加拿大每年九月都会迎来成千上万寻求高等教育和更好生活质量的国际学生。然而,根据学生倡导者Kairvee Malik的经验,要想在加拿大实现留学梦想,国际学生必须满足三个基本需求:教育、住房和食物。


对于那些期待在加拿大找到更好生活的学生来说,高昂的学费、住房和食品费用往往使他们的希望破灭。例如,来自菲律宾的Jesse Bautista和他的家人为了在加拿大的生活奋斗,几乎无法存下任何钱。他们的故事反映了许多国际学生面临的财务困境。

An illustration showing a group of international students standing outside a Canadian university, looking hopeful but slightly overwhelmed, with the Canadian flag and iconic university buildings in the background. The image captures the diversity of the students and the excitement of new beginnings.

加拿大的住房危机也是一个严峻的挑战。Matthew Britton一家从科罗拉多州搬到维多利亚,希望通过Express Entry计划移民加拿大。然而,他们发现由于外国房地产购买禁令,他们无法购买房产,只能租房生活,这让他们感到极度失望。

A cozy, crowded basement apartment showing a family of international students and their shared living space, with multiple beds, a shared kitchen area in the corner, and personal belongings scattered around. The scene reflects the challenges of high living costs and limited space faced by students in Canada, capturing a moment of family life amidst these conditions.
