加拿大移民部官方网站近日更新,公布了新的毕业工签(Post-Graduation Work Permit, PGWP)政策细节,该政策将于2024年2月15日起正式实施。根据最新公示,符合条件的国际毕业生将有资格获得最长三年的毕业工签。

An illustration showing a diverse group of international students holding Canadian flags, with excitement and anticipation in their eyes, standing outside an iconic Canadian immigration office. The scene symbolizes the new opportunities and dreams that the updated Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) policy brings to international graduates in Canada.

此次更新的政策明确指出,在加拿大指定的学习机构中,完成至少两年课程的毕业生,以及那些学习期少于两年的硕士学位课程(master’s degree program)的毕业生,都将有资格获得为期三年的毕业工签。而硕士学位以外课程的毕业工签长度将与课程长度保持一致,最长不超过三年。


A visual representation of a happy couple, where one partner is an international graduate, celebrating with a 'PGWP Approved' notification in their hands. The background showcases a Canadian cityscape, symbolizing their successful journey and future prospects in Canada. This image reflects the joy and relief of international students and their spouses upon receiving the opportunity to work and live in Canada through the PGWP program.

