
在加拿大多伦多大学密西沙加分校(UTM)最近引发了关于高等教育现状的激烈讨论,尤其是在数学教育领域。UTM的MAT224 – 线性代数 II课程,作为大三数学专业的必修课程,考试成绩显示110名参考学生中有94人得了F,即不及格。据教师透露,期末考试的平均成绩仅为29%,这是一种前所未有的低分现象。

A group of students gathered in a university common area, looking concerned and discussing their mathematics exam results. The students are diverse, representing the multicultural environment of the University of Toronto Mississauga. Some students are holding exam papers and others are using laptops, symbolizing the blend of traditional and digital learning methods. The background is a bustling university setting with students walking by and engaged in various activities.


UTM发言人在接受《The Varsity》采访时指出,实际参加考试的学生中有93%的人最终通过了这门课程。然而,有一部分学生甚至没有参加期末考试。一些学生表示,他们对考试的内容感到意外,因为很多人都练习了大量的计算题目。


An image depicting a classroom at the University of Toronto Mississauga, with students looking stressed and worried during a mathematics exam. The classroom is filled with desks and students, each focused intently on their exam papers. The atmosphere is tense, reflecting the challenging nature of the exam. The background shows a modern university classroom with a large clock on the wall, emphasizing the time pressure of the exam situation.
