
加拿大的教育界最近发生了一件引人注目的事情。在康考迪亚大学(Concordia University)的带领下,包括麦吉尔大学在内的超过10个学院的学生,共计6000多人,开始了为期三天的罢课活动。他们的目的是抗议魁北克未来联盟(CAQ)政府提出的增加省外学生和国际学生学费的计划。

A large crowd of university students gathered in front of Concordia University, holding signs and banners protesting against tuition fee hikes. The students are diverse, representing different faculties and nationalities, showcasing the multicultural environment of the university. Some banners display messages like 'Fair Tuition Now' and 'Education for All'. The university building is in the background, symbolizing the setting of the protest.

康考迪亚学生会(CSU)的外事和动员协调员Hannah Jackson表示,这些依赖省外和国际学生的大学面临极大的风险,学费上涨将直接影响到受影响学生的受教育质量和入学率。



An image of a group of students in a university meeting room, engaged in a passionate discussion about the tuition fee increases. The students are sitting around a large table, with some standing, expressing their concerns and ideas. They are from various academic backgrounds, as indicated by the books and laptops open on the table. The mood is serious and determined, reflecting the gravity of the issue they are addressing.



